Dear Parent/s & Guardians:
YOU ARE INVITED TO EXPERIENCE Kids Ahoy's creative summer fun!
We would like to invite you to come today til Apr 7th,Tuesday (9-5pm) for a Consultation with the teachers or to enroll as we are finalizing our Classes & Enrollees list :=) We will be closed for the Holy Week (April 8-12) and classes will begin week of Apr 13th.
If you can't visit us by Apr 7, pls do not hesitate to give us a call (4737896) or send us an email (kidsahoy@gmail.com) re further queries or clarification.
If you & your child are only available on a Saturday, there is still a way that he/she can join us if the class you are interested in is available on Saturdays. You may come on a per session basis (pls check out the attached menu). All other programs (except for Chefs Ahoy!) have a per session availability although of course, if you enroll in a full program, you get discounted prices. We do have certain minimum number of students per class requirement before any class can proceed so it is best to confirm your attendance the day prior to scheduled class.
We have attached the following for your reference and convenience:
1) Programs Menu Listing (2pages)
2) Weekly Calendar
3) Location Map
If you are not quite sure yet what your child would like, check out our most economical Play Club Membership Program! We are sure that Kids Ahoy is the only company offering such a play opportunity this summer!
Let's PLAY. CREATE. DISCOVER. LEARN together this summer!
From your most fun and creative Kids Ahoy teachers!
P.S. Please feel free to forward this invitation to your family and friends especially to those who are looking for an extraordinary fun and creative Summer for Kids as well as those who want to hear more about an exciting and proactive community of Filipino parents, teachers, kids and kid-lovers, online and/or offline :=)
Play Club Membership Program
P1500/16hours consumable throughout summer

2-12yrs, 3-5PM Tues to Fri
P1500 only 16hours of playtime consummable between March 10-May 30th.
TUESDAYS: Arts and crafts activities
WEDNESDAYS: Outdoor play & games
THURSDAYS: Board Games
FRIDAYS: Storytelling/show and tell

You get 15% off (on 12 sessions in-house created programs) & priority inclusions in our Free demo classes, Media exposures & exclusive events!!!

Kids Ahoy's Creative Summer 2009 Schedule
Ages 1 - 2
Bouncy Beats (music & movement)

Tuesdays and Saturdays, 10 - 11am

Ages 3 - 5

Tiny Tunes (music & movement)
Tuesdays and Saturdays, 1 - 2pm

Toddler Art (process art)
Tuesdays and Saturdays 2 - 3pm

Nature Keepers
(taking care of our environment), 2 Saturdays/month Specific Dates: TBA

Reading for Beginners
Mondays and Thursdays, 10 – 11am

Crafty Book Club (book club w/ arts & crafts)
Saturdays: 11 – 12am (age 4 - 5)

Ages 6 - 9

Concert Kids
(music literature)
Wednesdays and Fridays 10am - 11am

Body Jammin'
Tuesdays and Saturdays 3 - 4pm

Mondays and Thursdays 1 - 3pm

Art Combo (art, reading, writing):
Wednesdays and Fridays 2-5pm

Nature Keepers
(taking care of our environment): 2 Saturdays a month (Specific Dates: TBA)

Outdoor Essentials
(outdoor skills - camping, basic first aid)
Tues & Thurs, 4-5:30PM

Chefs Ahoy! (Healthy Cooking/Baking for Moms & Kids)
Mondays & Thursdays (11-12pm)

Crafty Book Club (book club w/ arts & crafts)
Saturdays: 1 – 2:30pm (age 6 - 8); 3 – 4:30pm (age 7- 9)

Individual instrument classes (up to teens) - Guitar, Bass.
Please call or email to schedule your class.

Academic Tutorials Please coordinate with the Teachers.

CLICK! Art (Photography with fun foto crafts projects)

9-10am Tues & Thurs (6-12yrs)

Paper Toy Workshop by Foldabots creator Jomike Tejido
Build your own Pop-up greeting cards, paper cartoon characters, a paper play town and know the secret in making your very own cardboard robots!
Mondays 3 – 5pm; ages 6-12yrs old.From April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25 & June 1.

For Tweens & Teens (9 & up)

Junior Jam
Be part of a one—of-a-kind ensemble! Create and improvise music through song, dance and instrument playing! Learn to read, compose and perform music like a pro! Get to play cool percussion instruments, improvised instruments and even instruments you made yourselves! Discover the harmony that music, teamwork and whole lot of fun can make! Fridays 1 – 2pm, (ages 10 and up)

Art Studio (art, writing)
This art class combines art and writing via the art journal. Alongside art production techniques (drawing, collage, sculpture), our young artists will learn different kinds of writing (poetry, narrative).
Fridays 10am – 12nn

Drawing & Painting
Learn basics of Water Color. Pencil. Oil Pastel, Acrylic, Oil, Tues and Thursday 3 – 5pm. Ages 9 – 12.

Outdoor Essentials
(outdoor skills - camping, basic first aid): TBA

CLICK! Art (fun foto crafts projects)
9-10am Tues & Thurs (6-12yrs)

Photography 4 kids 6-12yrs. 1 Basic Class is pre-requisite to taking Advance classes.
Photography 1 (Basic), Sat (April 18, 25, May 23, May 30, June 6); 1-3pm
Photography 2 (Advance), Sat (April 18, 25, May 23, May 30, June 6); 3-5pm

Paper Toy Workshop by Foldabots' creator Jomike Tejido
Build your own Pop-up greeting cards, paper cartoon characters, a paper play town and know the secret in making your very own cardboard robots!
Mondays 3 – 5pm; ages 6-12yrs old. From April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25 & June 1.

Guitar & Bass Individual classes.
Let us know your preferred schedule, and we'll coordinate with an available teacher.

Youth Mentoring
This is a volunteer program whose objective is to teach responsibility to the “big kids” by allowing them to teach and facilitate classes, events, and playdates alongside the teachers. Inclusive of snacks. Volunteers also get 15% off any programs they may want to enroll. 10yrs & up.
Let the children play!
For inquiries, email: kidsahoy@gmail.com
Or call (02) 473 7896 and look for Teachers Thea or Aia.
To better serve you and your child, Email inquiries will be prioritized:
SUBJECT: Kids Ahoy Play Club/Programs Inquiry
Pls include:
Name of Child, Age:
Name & Contact Info of Parents (email, mobile & city location)
Interests of Child:
Preferred Schedule/Availability:
How did you hear about us?:

VISIT: http://kidsahoy.multiply.com/photos/album/135 for details on each program.

Kids Ahoy! Creative Play Shop
Tel#: 4737896 - 0920-517-8127


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